
Showing posts from July, 2020

Ethical Dilemmas

Since childhood our conditioning has been such that we are taught about just Black (devil) and White(angel). Some humans are good some are bad. Following rules, speaking truth is good; lying, disobeying orders is bad. But in our behavioural life has it been really so. No never had things been so black and white. But there were different shades of grey. No human being I have met so far is without a single virtue and also no one is there without a single vice . Everyone has it's own set of virtues and vices in different proportions. And our whole life is revolving around being a better shade of grey (with less devilish and more angelistic qualities). And in these shades no shade is absolutely right  no shade is absolutely wrong. What seems illegal is not necessarily wrong and  everything legal is not necessarily right. For example consuming tobacco is legal but morally wrong. Making generic medicines is illegal in some countries as per trade treaties but it's a right step for