Walking on this thorny path

Walking on this thorny path my feet are bleeding,
The soul inside me is bitterly weeping.

Asking me, why you chose the toughest of the tough?
Barren, dry, lifeless and rough.

Didn't you have choice to walk on lanes of flowers,
Or fly high in glittery galaxies full of stars?

Or you have developed any love for pain,
And struggling mindlessly like an insane.

No I am not an insane,
Nor do I have any ardor for pain.

And Thank God!!! I never had those choices,
Then how could I have enjoyed these melancholic rejoices?

Because I know the more I bleed now, the lesser I will in real war of life,
The cushiony feet and velvety wings of them can't stand this strife.

Dreamers never sleep and sleepers can never dream, a dream of success,
The more struggle and sweat you sow, the more riper and brighter fruit you harvest.

Everything in this world has a price, and I am paying it for dreams of mine,
The sun has to burn itself only then it can shine.

Comforts lead you to nowhere,
They are like walking on a smooth endless sphere.

But adversities, your best friends since birth,
Will never let you have a chance to shirk.

You have to face them, embrace them,
They will surely shower upon you their grace then,
They will surely shower upon you their grace then!!!

Listening to all this my soul finally agreed,
And a conflict between me and my other self finally ended.

Image source -http://avatarki.info/pages/g/girl-walking-alone-tumblr/


  1. Such a beautiful work. Reminded me of a couplet -

    'चिराग़ - ए - राह बनेंगे एक दिन नक्श - ए - कदम मेरे,
    फ़िलहाल तो मैं गुमराह मालूम होता हूं। '

    And Frost's 'Road not taken'.


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